Wednesday, 21 July 2010

What would you do to reach your goal?

Back in my publican days I would have an ongoing argument with my regulars about what they would do for a million pounds. My favourite one being

"would you let someone cut off your little finger for a million pounds"

Would you? I would! £1'000'000 for a little finger sounds a total bargain. Think about those poor people who lose fingers by accident, they'd give their right arm for it (der dum tish)

If you think about it (taking crime and family pain aside) is there anything anyone of us wouldn't do for a million quid?

Really think about it before you climb onto your moral high ground horse. No mortgage, no stress and no fear of the financial future. Deep down, in your heart of hearts, you know you'd hand over the cigar cutter yourself uttering the words "make it quick"

OK, so now we know what you'd do it for £1'000'000. Would you do it for half that? I would! Still a bargain in my book. What about yours.......

What I love most about being a human (and I know those of you who know me may question that) is just by reading this you've already thought of one thing you'd do for a million quid, it's disturbed you, but you've already justified it with the images of a nice house and car. Once you have a goal in mind its just a matter of what you're willing to do to achieve it.

What would duncan bannatyne, lewis hamilton or richard branson do to achieve a goal? Would andy murray give you his little finger for the wimbledon title?Are certain people able to switch off the "buts" and "ifs" running through their minds when their striving for a result.

Is the only person in the

Monday, 19 July 2010

When was the last time you said - "now that's Genius!"

Yesterday I went to the kitchen cupboard for some vinegar and the bottle had a spray atomiser on the top instead of the traditional lid. I thought to myself "now that's Genius!"

I've been putting vinegar on chips for about 25 years (yes, probably more times than I have should during those years) and at no stage did I think about adding a spray top.
25 years of cursing at an over vinegary chip, 25 years of drowning all the chips in a sea of vinegar and yet it never crossed my mind.

What sort of mind does it cross? do you think you're that sort of mind? I did, but I can't remember the last time I had a truly brilliant idea. Can you?

This week my goal is to find something that will make my MD go "now that's Genius!" ("have a pay rise!" ok, maybe pushing it now)

I hope the vinegar spray top inventor is sat on a beach somewhere right now thinking about the next thing that will make me say "now that's Genius!" But in the meantime, lets all stop living with vinegary chips and think of a better way to do the job in hand

the newzapp guy