Remember when your parents told you not to do something because you'll hurt yourself or the dreaded "you'll be sorry!" What did you do? that's right, you went ahead and did it anyway. It's human nature, everything needs to be experienced to be appreciated, even pain.
Loads of phrases in life have been spawned due to our "need to experience" and then subsequent disappointment in the result. Whether it be a scuffed knee because the bmx ramp was too high after all or replacing one item in your life with a potentially better one.
If it isn't broke......
Was the grass as green as you were lead to believe?
Our need to experience is a strength but it can lead us into a decision we ultimately regret. Sometimes we have no choice, sometimes we're blinded by the shiny promises.
When I speak to returning customers at Newzapp Email Marketing one of the first things they say is "we tried company X but didn't like it" or "it was just too complicated" Changing your Email Marketing Software provider happens, just like changing your car insurer.
Your customers will need to experience the green looking grass at sometime too, stopping them in an aggressive manner will solve nothing.
Trick is to welcome all returning customers like we do at Newzapp, without judgement or a tone of "i told you so" in our voices.
Moral of the story, don't be a sour puss when your customers say they are leaving you, wish them well and thank them for there time with you. They believe what they are doing is right for them so don't get mad trying to convince them otherwise. They may have to experience the pain for themselves to appreciate how good they had it with you.
If they fall over you'll be the last one they look to for a plaster for their scuffed knee if you've slammed the door shut behind them.