Somewhere else to write messages about the cake on the office kitchen top. Done with the hope you click on a URL, follow us or like us. Needy much...
If I walk past a member of my sales team and they're on facebook, they better be on lunch or it's the naughty step. If there on twitter is that different? Are they "working" or is it shouty time?
Can we all spare the hour in the day whilst all the team set themselves up on a new platform with profiles, pics, wire ups, links?
Yes, I can see the double standard here, moaning about a new social media platform on a social media platform but my technical director @DavidHHazzard is a massive fan of keeping it simple. He drives this belief into everything we do at NewZapp Email Marketing. Surely were at saturation point here? These wheels (or circles, have already been invented.
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